Phytron GmbH Certified for Aerospace Industry Applications

Published on:16 Mar,2016
Phytron GmbH has been certified under DIN EN 9100 for the aerospace industry and has thus been added to the OASIS database of around 400 approved aerospace suppliers worldwide. As part of the process of certification by AIRCERT, the company's quality management system that has been built up over the last decades was successfully reviewed.

"We were all positively surprised at how close the quality system that we had developed to that point was to the requirements of the standard. We are absolutely delighted that the continuous work in recent years has now paid off in this way," commented Gareis, head of quality management.

Phytron was one of the first 1,000 companies to be certified under DIN EN ISO 9001 back in 1994; this was followed by certification under the medical devices standard DIN EN ISO 13485 in 1997 and now, after a strategic refocussing, certification for the aerospace industry – the market of the future – under DIN EN 9100. The use of highly qualified personnel is Phytron's key to its lasting success in the development and maintenance of these standards.

With its ultra-precise, clean and robust stepper motors, Phytron has been making a major contribution to the use of precision instruments in a large number of space missions (Curiosity, Rosetta, Maven, Dawn,...) for over 25 years.

While this division's work has concentrated in past decades mainly on precisely customized drive solutions, the aerospace market has changed perceptibly in recent years. In an environment of increasing privatization, the greatest ambition of many companies entering the market for the first time is to leave the earth faster, more cheaply and, in particular, more often. The standardization of processes and components is absolutely essential here.

Phytron recognized this trend at an early stage and developed the phySPACE standard stepper motor series. But standardized technology is only the first step – the rapid changes taking place in this market also bring many risks with them. In such a fast-moving field, trust in the reliability of a supplier is a crucial factor for success. With shorter development and test cycles, the demand for known process sequences rises: complying with defined processes, dealing with any deviations that arise in a way that is completely transparent and comprehensively documenting the extensive tests while reducing costs represent a major challenge.

Highly motivated, competent project support employees, working in the specially built Competence Center, combined with careful manufacture in stable processes and the exceptional commitment of our superbly educated and trained employees are essential factors for success.

"Space projects are an important field of activity offering a wealth of opportunities for our company. We are constantly working on further developing this business – with investments, trained staff and the wonderful support provided by our quality management system," commented Managing Director Hartmann.

Phytron GmbH
+49 8142 503-0