Tensioner Hub Bearing PU246234

Tensioner Hub Bearing PU246234

Product name: Tensioner Hub Bearing PU246234


Tensioner Hub Bearing PU246234

Sales points:

1. cheap price with good quality, good sales in the market.

2. we use the good quality grease make sure the bearing can turn smooth and the life can be longer.

3. OEM service, you can make your logo in bearing or send your design sample to us, we can do the customizaton for you.

Linqing bojie bearing co., LTD.
  6th year
Contact person:Sanny(Click to contact)
Address:Liaocheng City, Shandong Province, Linqing City Panzhuang Zhen Zhai Village West Village
Zip: 252600
Telephone: 86-15764199881
Fax: 86-635-2830477
Website: http://www.bojiebearing.com/
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