[Company]: Gome ******
[From]: Russia
[Address]: Russ ******
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[Contact Person]: sir
[Tel]: 8 02 ******
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[E-mail]: khp3 ******
[URL]: http ******
[Title]: Demand 1. Lost TU temperature 2535-015-05768013-97 1000*1000*10 - 40 kg 2. DIN 471 (outside M20) - 100p. 3. The amount of DIN 472 (internal M50) - 100 per cent. 4. Nordic DIN 15237 M10*30 Bolt (with full rubber, without gas and shab) - 10 kg.
Buy : 1. Lost TU temperature 2535-015-05768013-97 1000*1000*10 - 40 kg 2. DIN 471 (outside M20) - 100p. 3. The amount of DIN 472 (internal M50) - 100 per cent. 4. Nordic DIN 15237 M10*30 Bolt (with full rubber, without gas and shab) - 10 kg.