Wuxi JJJ Bearing...

Wuxi JJJ Bearing Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer specializing in the design, research and development, and production of high-speed precision bearings for high-precision machine tool spindles. The main products include P5 and P6 grade angular contact ball bearings, screw bearings, flange type screw bearings, engraving machine spindle bearings, DLR high-speed spindle bearings, FD high-speed floating displacement bearings, ultra-thin wall bearings, cylindrical roller bearings, bidirectional thrust angular contact bearings, flexible bearings, and high-speed servo motor bearings. The accuracy level is P5 and P6. High, precise, sharp, and specialized are the advantages and characteristics of JJJ BEARING. The inner diameter ranges from 2mm to 820mm, and we can independently design and produce bearing products that can replace SKF, INA, FAG, NSK, TIMK EN, standards, accuracy, and grade completely meet the standards. 

Product List


Type: Double Row Angular Contact Ball Bearings

Sub-type: 3200 double row angular contact ball bearing

Size: d 10-100mm

Number: 3200A | 3201A | 3202A | 3203A | 3204A | 3205A | 3206A | 3207A | 3208A | 3209A | 3210A | 3211A | 3212A | 3213A | 3214A | 3215A | 3216A | 3217A | 3218A | 3219A | 3220A | 3300A | 3301A | 3302A | 3303A | 3304A | 3305A | 3306A | 3307A | 3308A | 3309A | 3310A | 3311A | 3312A | 3313A | 3314A | 3315A | 3316A | 3317A | 3318A | 3200-2Z | 3201-2Z | 3202-2Z | 3203-2Z | 3204-2Z | 3205-2Z | 3206-2Z | 3207-2Z | 3208-2Z | 3209-2Z | 3210-2Z | 3211-2Z | 3212-2Z | 3213-2Z | 3214-2Z | 3215-2Z | 3216-2Z | 3217-2Z | 3218-2Z | 3219-2Z | 3220-2Z | 3300-2Z | 3301-2Z | 3302-2Z | 3303-2Z | 3304-2Z | 3305-2Z | 3306-2Z | 3307-2Z | 3308-2Z | 3309-2Z | 3310-2Z | 3311-2Z | 3312-2Z | 3313-2Z | 3314-2Z | 3315-2Z | 3316-2Z | 3317-2Z | 3318-2Z | 3200-2RS | 3201-2RS | 3202-2RS | 3203-2RS | 3204-2RS | 3205-2RS | 3206-2RS | 3207-2RS | 3208-2RS | 3209-2RS | 3210-2RS | 3211-2RS | 3212-2AS | 3213-2RS | 3214-2RS | 3215-2RS | 3216-2RS | 3217-2RS | 3218-2RS | 3219-2RS | 3220-2RS | 3300-2RS | 3301-2RS | 3302-2RS | 3303-2RS | 3304-2RS | 3305-2BS | 3306-2RS | 3307-2RS | 3308-2RS | 3309-2RS | 3310-2RS | 3311-2RS | 3312-2RS | 3313-2RS | 3314-2RS | 3315-2RS | 3316-2RS | 3317-2RS | 3318-2AS |


Type: Double Row Angular Contact Ball Bearings

Sub-type: Double inner ring double row angular contact ball bearing

Size: d 20-90mm

Number: 3086304M | 3086305M | 3086306M | 3086307M | 3086308M | 3086309M | 3086310M | 3086311M | 3086312M | 3086313M | 3086314M | 3086315M | 3086316M | 3086317M | 3086318M | 3086313 | 3304 DMA | 3305 DMA | 3306 DMA | 3307 DMA | 3308 DMA | 3309 DMA | 3310 DMA | 3311 DMA | 3312 DMA | 3313 DMA | 3314 DMA | 3315 DMA | 3316 DMA | 3317 DMA | 3318 DMA | 3086313 | 3304 DA | 3305 DA | 3306 DA | 3307 DA | 3308 DA | 3309 DA | 3310 DA | 3311 DA | 3312 DA | 3313 DA | 3314 DA | 3315 DA | 3316 DA | 3317 DA | 3318 DA | 3086313 |


Type: Double Row Angular Contact Ball Bearings

Sub-type: Thin-wall nylon cage double row angular contact ball bearings (38, 39, 30 series)

Size: d 10-100mm

Number: 3800 | 3900 | 3000 | 3801 | 3901 | 3001 | 3802 | 3902 | 3002 | 3803 | 3903 | 3003 | 3804 | 3904 | 3004 | 3805 | 3905 | 3005 | 3806 | 3906 | 3006 | 3807 | 3907 | 3007 | 3808 | 3908 | 3008 | 3809 | 3909 | 3009 | 3810 | 3910 | 3010 | 3811 | 3911 | 3011 | 3812 | 3912 | 3012 | 3813 | 3913 | 3013 | 3814 | 3914 | 3014 | 3815 | 3915 | 3015 | 3816 | 3916 | 3016 | 3817 | 3917 | 3017 | 3818 | 3918 | 3018 | 3819 | 3919 | 3019 | 3820 | 3920 | 3020 | 3800-2Z | 3900-2Z | 3000-2Z | 3801-2Z | 3901-2Z | 3001-2Z | 3802-2Z | 3902-2Z | 3002-2Z | 3803-2Z | 3903-2Z | 3003-2Z | 3804-2Z | 3904-2Z | 3004-2Z | 3805-2Z | 3905-2Z | 3005-2Z | 3806-2Z | 3906-2Z | 3006-2Z | 3807-2Z | 3907-2Z | 3007-2Z | 3808-2Z | 3908-2Z | 3008-2Z | 3809-2Z | 3909-2Z | 3009-2Z | 3810-2Z | 3910-2Z | 3010-2Z | 3811-2Z | 3911-2Z | 3011-2Z | 3812-2Z | 3912-2Z | 3012-2Z | 3813-2Z | 3913-2Z | 3013-2Z | 3814-2Z | 3914-2Z | 3014-2Z | 3815-2Z | 3915-2Z | 3015-2Z | 3816-2Z | 3916-2Z | 3016-2Z | 3817-2Z | 3917-2Z | 3017-2Z | 3818-2Z | 3918-2Z | 3018-2Z | 3819-2Z | 3919-2Z | 3019-2Z | 3820-2Z | 3920-2Z | 3020-2Z | 3800-2RS | 3900-2RS | 3000-2RS | 3801-2RS | 3901-2RS | 3001-2RS | 3802-2RS | 3902-2RS | 3002-2RS | 3803-2RS | 3903-2RS | 3003-2AS | 3804-2RS | 3904-2RS | 3004-2RS | 3805-2RS | 3905-2RS | 3005-2RS | 3806-2RS | 3906-2RS | 3006-2RS | 3807-2RS | 3907-2RS | 3007-2RS | 3808-2RS | 3908-2RS | 3008-2RS | 3809-2RS | 3909-2RS | 3009-2RS | 3810-2RS | 3910-2RS | 3010-2RS | 3811-2RS | 3911-2RS | 3011-2RS | 3812-2RS | 3912-2RS | 3012-2RS | 3813-2RS | 3913-2AS | 3013-2RS | 3814-2AS | 3914-2HS | 3014-2RS | 3815-2AS | 3915-2AS | 3015-2RS | 3816-2A8 | 3916-2AS | 3016-2AS | 3817-2RS | 3917-2RS | 3017-2RS | 3818-2RS | 3918-2RS | 3018-2RS | 3819-2RS | 3919-2RS | 3019-2RS | 3820-2RS | 3920-2RS | 3020-2RS |

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