Wuxi Nengli Bearing Co.,...

Wuxi Nengli Bearing Co., LTD., WRM , was founded in 2002 and is located in Wuxi, a developed city on the southeast coast of China. WRM has over 20 years of manufacturing and marketing experience in researching and manufacturing bearings. On this basis, we become a leading manufacturer of deep groove ball bearings, self-aligning roller bearings, tapered roller bearings, angular contact ball bearings and other bearing products. WRM specializes in the research and development of high precision, low noise, long life bearings, high quality bearings and other mechanical and transmission products.

Product List


Type: Deep Groove Ball Bearings

Sub-type: Single row

Size: d:10-22mm

Number: 6800 | 6900 | 600 | 6200 | 6300 | 6801 | 6901 | 1600 | 6001 | 6201 | 6301 | 6802 | 6902 | 16002 | 6002 | 6202 | 6302 | 6803 | 6903 | 16003 | 6003 | 6203 | 6303 | 6804 | 6904 | 16004 | 6004 | 6204 | 6304 | 60/22 | 62/22 | 63/22


Type: Deep Groove Ball Bearings

Sub-type: Single row

Size: d:25-45mm

Number: 6805 | 6905 | 16005 | 6005 | 6205 | 6305 | 60/28 | 60/28 | 60/28 | 6806 | 6906 | 16006 | 6006 | 6206 | 6306 | 60/32 | 62/32 | 63/32 | 6607 | 6907 | 16007 | 6007 | 6207 | 6307 | 6808 | 6908 | 16008 | 6008 | 6208 | 6308 | 6809 | 6909 | 16009 | 6009 | 6209 | 6309


Type: Deep Groove Ball Bearings

Sub-type: Single row

Size: d:50-75mm

Number: 6810 | 6910 | 16010 | 6010 | 6210 | 6310 | 6811 | 6911 | 16011 | 6011 | 6211 | 6311 | 6812 | 6912 | 16012 | 6012 | 6212 | 6312 | 6813 | 6913 | 16013 | 6013 | 6213 | 6313 | 6814 | 6914 | 16014 | 6014 | 6214 | 6314 | 6815 | 6915 | 16015 | 6015 | 6215 | 6315

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