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Freudenberg Unveils Expanded Portfolio Of Environmentally Friendly Products

Resource from:  After Market News Likes:276
Sep 12,2016
Freudenberg Sealing Technologies says it has collaborated closely with the automotive industry to introduce innovative sealing solutions that address crucial issues such as emission reduction and improved fuel economy. Freudenberg’s award-winning Low Emission Sealing Solution (LESS) initiative, launched in 2009, introduced a collection of powertrain sealing products designed to help customers achieve more eco-friendly cars and trucks. The company has now expanded its LESS lineup to include new products designed to tackle challenges associated with powertrain friction, smaller spaces, lighter weight vehicles and growth in the electric mobility vehicle arena. Freudenberg - Logo“Our seal solutions help to minimize friction, optimize the combustion process, reduce weight and thus significantly lower vehicles’ energy consumption and emissions,” said Claus Möhlenkamp, CEO of Freudenberg Sealing Technologies. “The conservation of the environment and its resources is a core component of our entrepreneurial behavior. With our long-standing technology and material expertise, we develop comprehensive solutions for all vehicle components that have an impact on energy consumption and emissions and thus help our customers achieve their development goals.” Four Core Areas The LESS portfolio covers the engine, transmissions and electric mobility product groups and was developed to focus on four core areas: emissions, friction, weight reduction and downsizing. One product for the reduction of emissions and friction is the gas-lubricated mechanical face seal Levitex, which lowers CO2 emissions by up to 1 g of CO2 per kilometer during driving, according to the company. The Levitex seal also promotes a longer operating life by reducing powertrain wear, the company says. The seal’s greater pressure stability is assisting with new developments in engine technology and a major German manufacturer has selected Levitex for its first series production order. LESS also is focused on emissions reduction in transmission development, which is why the company says it developed the Levitas seal ring. Levitas is especially applicable in transmissions with eight or more gears. The seal’s low-torque design allows it to withstand the greater mechanical stresses associated with transmissions of this type. In addition, the Levitas seal is made of the company’s proprietary Quantum PTFE material. Downsizing substantially increases the efficiency of internal combustion engines, according to Freudenberg. But, it creates new challenges with regard to low-friction characteristics, heat and pressure resistance and material compatibility. Downsizing is always closely associated with weight reduction. While a compact car still weighed less than 800 kg 30 years ago, increased comfort and safety needs have pushed its weight to 1,200 kg. Replacing metal with plastic saves up to 50 percent of a part’s weight. Plastic components also offer greater potential for the integration of extra functions or components along with greater design freedom than their metal counterparts do. Efficient lightweight design is thus one of the most effective measures to reduce emissions. For this, Freudenberg is offering products such as the BlueSeal: About 40 percent lighter than a conventional seal, it only needs half as much axial installation space, according to the company. The BlueSeal also is highly resistant to high pressures, and its friction-optimized PTFE seal lip withstands very aggressive media and reduces frictional losses by 30 percent. Driving Electrically is the Future Even if internal combustion engines still dominate the automotive industry, the electrification of the drivetrain is becoming more important, according to the company. Driving electrically is part of the future, but different energy sources not only require the development of alternative powertrain systems but they demand new technologies as well. To tackle this, Freudenberg is presenting solutions in its LESS portfolio. Fuel cell gaskets, which are precise sealing solutions for fuel cell stacks, are one example. The company’s Simmerring Radial Shaft Seal incorporates an electrically-conductive nonwoven that prevents electrostatic discharge in the engine. “The new LESS initiative gets to the heart of our efforts to achieve sustainability in our products. Our customers appreciate our commitment very much,” said Möhlenkamp. “Responsible behavior means going all out to develop solutions for the future – and managing natural resources sparingly and economically in the meantime. We will only achieve sustainable growth if we concentrate on ‘less’ today.” Detailed information on LESS products can be found at
(After Market News)
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