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S Muoio & Company Has Upped Its Integrated Device Tech (IDTI) Position; NN Has 1.73 Sentiment

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Aug 06,2019


S Muoio & Company increased Integrated Device Tech Inc (IDTI) stake by 224.76% reported in 2019Q1 SEC filing. S Muoio & Company acquired 118,000 shares as Integrated Device Tech Inc (IDTI)’s stock 0.00%. The S Muoio & Company holds 170,500 shares with $8.35 million value, up from 52,500 last quarter. Integrated Device Tech Inc now has $ valuation. It closed at $48.99 lastly. It is up 0.00% since August 5, 2018 and is . It has by 0.00% the S&P500. Some Historical IDTI News: 04/04/2018 – Xiaomi Selects IDT® Wireless Charging Chipset for Ml MIX 2S Smartphone and Wireless Charging Pad; 30/04/2018 – Integrated Device Tech 4Q Adj EPS 46c; 09/05/2018 – Integrated Device Presenting at Conference May 30; 16/04/2018 – Samsung’s Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+ Smartphones are Powered by IDT® Wireless Charging Chipsets; 09/04/2018 – IDT to Showcase Video Transcoding Innovations at NAB 2018; 27/03/2018 – S&PGR Affrms IDT ‘BB-‘ Rtng; Outlook Rvsd To Pos From Stble; 23/03/2018 – Integrated Device Closes Below 50-Day Moving Average; 08/03/2018 – IDT to Showcase its Latest Optical Communication Solutions at OFC 2018; 09/03/2018 – HMD Global Unveils the Nokia 8 Sirocco Premium Smartphone Featuring IDT’s Leading-edge Wireless Charging Technology; 13/03/2018 – IDT Completes 200G/400G Intra- and Inter- Datacenter Applications With Introduction of HXR14x00 and HXR44x00 TIAs

NN Inc (NNBR) investors sentiment increased to 1.73 in Q1 2019. It’s up 0.50, from 1.23 in 2018Q4. The ratio is more positive, as 52 active investment managers increased and opened new equity positions, while 30 sold and trimmed equity positions in NN Inc. The active investment managers in our database now possess: 34.97 million shares, down from 36.61 million shares in 2018Q4. Also, the number of active investment managers holding NN Inc in top ten equity positions was flat from 0 to 0 for the same number . Sold All: 8 Reduced: 22 Increased: 38 New Position: 14.

Investors sentiment decreased to 0.66 in Q1 2019. Its down 0.18, from 0.84 in 2018Q4. It worsened, as 56 investors sold IDTI shares while 92 reduced holdings. 42 funds opened positions while 55 raised stakes. 101.62 million shares or 8.60% less from 111.18 million shares in 2018Q4 were reported. Laurion Capital Mngmt Ltd Partnership reported 36,738 shares stake. Contravisory Investment Mgmt Inc owns 4,454 shares or 0.08% of their US portfolio. Ameriprise Fincl holds 0.01% or 437,610 shares in its portfolio. Arrowstreet Cap Lp accumulated 0.01% or 46,475 shares. Moreover, Great West Life Assurance Can has 0.01% invested in Integrated Device Technology, Inc. (NASDAQ:IDTI). Walleye Trading Ltd reported 153,502 shares. Pinnacle Associates Ltd reported 0.38% in Integrated Device Technology, Inc. (NASDAQ:IDTI). Moreover, New Mexico Educational Retirement Board has 0.06% invested in Integrated Device Technology, Inc. (NASDAQ:IDTI) for 26,200 shares. Pathstone Family Office Limited reported 114 shares or 0% of all its holdings. 80 are owned by Smithfield Tru. Jefferies Gp Lc reported 0.01% stake. Chicago Equity Partners Limited Company has 0.04% invested in Integrated Device Technology, Inc. (NASDAQ:IDTI). Ubs Oconnor Ltd Liability Co stated it has 1.77M shares or 0% of all its holdings. P Schoenfeld Asset Mgmt Limited Partnership holds 6.35% or 1.65M shares. Moreover, Harvest Management Ltd Com has 1.08% invested in Integrated Device Technology, Inc. (NASDAQ:IDTI).

Another recent and important Integrated Device Technology, Inc. (NASDAQ:IDTI) news was published by which published an article titled: “Pre-Market Most Active for Mar 25, 2019 : SQQQ, QQQ, UBS, AMD, NOK, PTI, IDTI, TVIX, STM, ACB, PG, AEG – Nasdaq” on March 25, 2019.

The stock decreased 6.39% or $0.46 during the last trading session, reaching $6.74. About 175,685 shares traded. NN, Inc. (NNBR) has declined 58.74% since August 5, 2018 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 58.74% the S&P500. Some Historical NNBR News: 19/03/2018 – NN INC FILES FOR NON TIMELY 10-K – SEC FILING; 04/04/2018 – NN GROUP NV NN.AS – INTENDS TO REAPPOINT DELFIN RUEDA AS MEMBER OF EXECUTIVE BOARD; 22/05/2018 – NN Closes Below 50-Day Moving Average: Technicals; 05/04/2018 – Moody’s Says Nn, Inc.’s Announcement To Acquire Paragon Medical, Inc. Is A Strategic Credit Positive — B2 Cfr And Stable Outlook Unaffected; 11/04/2018 – ALLAHABAD BANK APPOINTS N.N. SAHA AS CHIEF RISK OFFICER; 02/04/2018 – NN, Inc. Files Annual Report On Form 10-K For 2017; 03/04/2018 – NN Inc to Buy Paragon Medical; 04/04/2018 – NN GROUP NV NN.AS – CURRENT TERM OF APPOINTMENT OF DELFIN RUEDA ENDS ON 31 MAY 2018; 03/04/2018 – NN INC – AGREEMENT TO ACQUIRE PMG INTERMEDIATE HOLDING CORPORATION, PARENT COMPANY OF PARAGON MEDICAL; 21/05/2018 – NN, Inc. Announces Quarterly Dividend

NN, Inc., a diversified industrial company, makes high precision bearing components, industrial plastic products, and precision metal components to various markets in North America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, South America, and China. The company has market cap of $285.55 million. The firm operates through three divisions: Precision Bearing Components Group, Precision Engineered Products Group, and Autocam Precision Components Group. It currently has negative earnings. The Precision Bearing Components Group segment makes and sells precision steel balls that are used primarily by manufacturers of anti-friction bearings and constant velocity joints; steel rollers, including tapered rollers used in automotive gearbox applications, automotive wheel bearings, and various industrial applications; cylindrical rollers used in various industrial applications; and precision metal retainers for roller bearings.

Wilen Investment Management Corp. holds 1.5% of its portfolio in NN, Inc. for 269,166 shares. Paradigm Capital Management Inc Ny owns 2.14 million shares or 1.41% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Private Management Group Inc has 1.1% invested in the company for 2.96 million shares. The Texas-based Smith Graham & Co. Investment Advisors Lp has invested 0.9% in the stock. Pacific Ridge Capital Partners Llc, a Oregon-based fund reported 432,015 shares.

Analysts await NN, Inc. (NASDAQ:NNBR) to report earnings on August, 8 after the close. They expect $0.27 earnings per share, down 28.95% or $0.11 from last year’s $0.38 per share. NNBR’s profit will be $11.44M for 6.24 P/E if the $0.27 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.20 actual earnings per share reported by NN, Inc. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 35.00% EPS growth.

Since January 1, 0001, it had 1 buying transaction, and 0 insider sales for $25,950 activity.

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