Martin Engineering program supports breast cancer awareness
A global leader in bulk material handling technologies has announced a new program to benefit the Susan G. Komen foundation during October – Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Martin Engineering has manufactured a special series of its Cougar brand DC truck vibrators in the traditional pink colour, and will donate $50 for each one of the limited edition units sold throughout the month. The Cougar Cares program is the latest in the company’s annual efforts to raise awareness of the disease and the critical importance of early detection, helping improve education and survival rates among all women.
Breast cancer is the second most common kind of cancer in women, and data shows that about one in eight women born today in the United States will get breast cancer at some point. The good news is that many women can survive the disease if it’s found and treated early. Regular mammograms remain the fundamental screening test, helping to find breast cancer early when its easier to treat.
Since 1982, the Susan G. Komen foundation has played a critical role in every major advance in the fight against breast cancer – transforming how the world talks about and treats the disease and helping to turn millions of breast cancer patients into cancer survivors. It is the only organization that addresses breast cancer on multiple fronts such as research, community health, global outreach and public policy initiatives in order to make the biggest impact against this disease.
What began with $200 and a shoebox full of potential donor names has now grown into the world’s largest nonprofit source of funding for the fight against breast cancer. To date, the organization has invested more than $2.9 billion in groundbreaking research, community health outreach, advocacy and programs in more than 60 countries. Those efforts have helped reduce deaths from breast cancer by 38 percent between 1989-2014.
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