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Jan 06,2025


Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corporation, a subsidiary of Compass Diversified and leading global manufacturer of high-performance magnets, electric motors and precision thin metals, empowers manufacturers to build smaller, lighter, and more efficient motors and generators with Arnon Non Grain Oriented Electrical Steel (NGOES). With optimized thickness and finish, Arnon NGOES creates considerable energy savings by reducing eddy currents. This optimization enables manufacturers to meet the most demanding needs of high speed, high efficiency motor and high efficiency transformer applications. To laminate these structures, many manufacturers use NGOES due to the electrical steel’s circularity and equal magnetic properties in all directions. Depending on the design, either the rotor or stator will incorporate laminated structures. But not all NGOES are created equal. Manufacturers frequently use Arnon NGOES as laminations in high speed, high efficiency motors and generators due to the material’s optimized thickness. Arnold manufactures NGOES in thicknesses of 0.004″, 0.005″ and 0.007″ (0.102mm, 0.127mm and 0.178mm). This marks a significant reduction from the typical thickness of NGOES laminations, which often come in 0.0118″ to 0.0185″ (0.30mm to 0.47mm) thicknesses. Thinner laminations help high speed motors and generators achieve higher levels of performance through improved efficiency. Arnon NGOES proves particularly advantageous in higher frequency motors and generators above 400HZ. The thinner material offsets effects created by increased eddy currents and subsequent heat buildup. Thin laminations built with Arnon thus produce a more efficient unit and free up design constraints. Arnon laminations also lead the industry for switching frequencies above 1K Hz. Several motors manufactured with Arnon have exceeded 98% efficiency so Arnon can lower core loss by up to 50% when compared to other NGOES.

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